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Test Your HQ (Humor Quotient) By Carla Rieger

The results are in! Scientific research links a pessimistic attitude towards life with one specific blood type -- B negative. Get it? If you didnt get it then either you have low HQ, your blood type is B negative, or you just found out you are going to be audited.

If life at work becomes challenging what do YOU do?

Thomas Wright, a professor of organizational behavior at the University of Nevada thinks that it helps -- to laugh. He did extensive surveys showing that people who keep their sense of humor when unwanted change happens, do better on the job. They also get along better with clients and associates, find more creative solutions to problems, and are more productive than their more serious counterparts.

However, humor and enjoyment can only grow with the right attitudinal soil. To see how you do, check off the answer that most closely resembles you:

1. When I make a mistake

a) I laugh and see what I can learn from the experience
b) I beat myself up
c) I blame the government

2. When my schedule is extremely busy

a) I keep my nose to the grindstone
b) I occasionally take a break to renew myself
c) I hire an actor who looks like me to appear at family dinners

3. When I tell a joke at work, people:

a) laugh
b) groan
c) report me to the harassment board

4. I forget to laugh

a) when Im really busy
b) when Im at a comedy club
c) when my bagel lands on the floor -- butter side down

5. I plan to reward myself with fun and relaxation:

a) each day in the form of short Joy Breaks
b) only on weekends and holidays
c) when cloning becomes affordable

6. People view me:

a) as a serious person
b) as a light-hearted person on occasion
c) as so funny I should be banned from visiting the hospital hernia unit

7. The key people in my life

a) are fun-loving
b) are happy only during happy hour
c) now all have unlisted phone numbers

8. If something bad happens, like the computer goes down when I'm trying to email

a) I make a joke about it and start finding a solution
b) I tell the IT guy I own a gun and Im not afraid to use it.
c) I try that olden-days method of walking down the hall and talking to the person

9. When I warn management about accepting credit from a certain client, and they heed my warning...

a) I worry that it may cost the company good revenue
b) I throw my hands in the air and do the Success Dance
c) I send an email to sales and marketing with the subject line "I told you I was right.

10. Making people laugh

a) comes easily to me
b) comes easily to me only if I steal other peoples jokes
c) comes easily to me, but unfortunately not on purpose

11. When I was growing up, my family:

a) valued fun, laughter, humor and play
b) were often afflicted with AADS (Acquired Amusement Deficiency Syndrome)
c) made Spock look like a one-man carnival

12. I study the art of comedy:

a) regularly books, tapes, workshops, mentors, coaching, etc.
b) occasionally when, for example, I read a great article (like this one)
c) never comedy is for silly people who dont realize that life is serious very, very serious.

1.  a.3  b.2    c.1   
2.  a.2  b.3    c.1   
3.  a.3  b.2    c.1   
4.  a.2  b.1    c.3   
5.  a.3  b.2    c.1   
6.  a.1  b.2    c.3   
7.  a.3  b.2    c.1   
8.  a.3  b.1    c.2   
9.  a.1  b.2    c.3   
10. a.3  b.2    c.1   
11. a.3  b.2    c.1   
12. a.3  b.2    c.1

Total Score = ______________


If your score was 30 or more put the whoopee cushion down! You live so much on the funny side of your brain that we might need to occasionally stimulate your tax return brain.

If your score was 25--29, you are grooving. You have a well-developed funny brain and a good balance of fun versus work ethic. It is normal to have some negativity and actually is necessary as a card-carrying human.

If your score was 20-24, get thee to a funnery! Your overly grave behavior will lead youyes, you guessed it--to an early grave. Install the latest version of Mirth Manager 4.1 right away and delete Wet Blanket 3.2 immediately. Start by creating an area of your office just for fun stuff a humor bulletin board, comedy CD's, games, etc.

If your score was under 19, you might want to get a T-shirt that says I am the Beacon of Doom and look in the mirror. You need serious fun help. But dont worry (which I know is hard for you) --there is lots of help available; call us for more ideas, or check out our web site for more articles.

Carla Rieger is an expert on creative people skills at work. If you want a motivational speaker, trainer, or leadership coach to help you stay on the creative edge, contact Carla Rieger.

Web site: http://www.carlarieger.com
Tel: 1-866-294-2988
Email carla@carlarieger.com

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